Collection Management Software for Art and Culture

An art collection management software that enables artists and writers to benchmark the value of their collections and assess markets in one single experience. This solution provided collectors with a comprehensive way to track, report on, and interact with their collections digitally.

Key Project Numbers AND Facts

10 Years

of partnership

25 Specialists

max. team size on the project

8 Digits




Python, JS



acquired by


Collectrium started with a goal to build a new tech and innovative standard for an art collection management system. With most of the alternatives being outdated in terms of technology, design, and UX, still being really powerful in terms of features, Collectrium aimed to be strong on both sides while maintaining privacy and security with a cloud-based platform.

They asked us to build a large complex art collection database suitable for individual and family collectors, galleries, art investors, large funds, and industry experts like appraisers, art dealers, etc. And also cover all aspects of dealing with fine and non-fine art objects, from acquisition, insurance, and movement to evaluation and sale of the artwork.

Over the years of development, new goals arose to bring the art collection management experience to the next level. We were working on AI/ML technology in art categorization and evaluation, image recognition technology, improving the general set of features, as well as adding new strong tools like top-notch filters, dashboards, reporting, and analytics with the goal for our clients to get out more than they put in.

In 2015, Collectrium was acquired by Christie's. So we also needed to integrate heavily with their existing tools and platforms, as well as work hard on covering their needs on art assets management, one of the key ones being Private Viewing Rooms that became the core of Christie's private sales process.


The work on the product started with a fairly small team of developers from our side with CTO, HQ and product side in the US. With doing more iterations on the product and getting more feedback and users, our team steadily grew with taking a part in product and design development overtime, reaching a maximum capacity of 25 people at the time of working already in the Christie’s infrastructure, which we do till this day supporting the product.

In its final state Collectrium is a feature heavy, yet easy to understand private art collection management software, for collectors and industry experts, that allows them to view, manage, value, track, move and interact with their art collections. Let’s look at some of the core features that we developed.

Collectrium solution

1. Core art inventory management

Each individual record has 20+ predefined fields that the collection management - system works with and ability to create custom fields for your collectibles.

Collectrium core art inventory management

2. Transactions

Collectrium provides users with the ability to track all activities throughout an object's lifespan, including a robust list of transactions (provenance, acquisitions, sale, etc.).

Collectrium transactions
Collectrium TimelineCollectrium Timeline

3. Collection management dashboard

It gives a deep overview of all art collection holdings in the collection dividing them by categories and filters and visualizing using different types of data visualization solutions.

4. NFA object types

Collectors can organize all their valuables on the same platform. Art collection database supports watches, automobiles, jewelry, wine and other types of objects.

5. Roles and permissions

Collectors can give access to their account to an art advisor, shipper, insurer or friend – anyone they want – with full granular control over what collectables, type of data and actions they will have access to.

6. Data reports

This feature allows collectors to easily craft detailed reports containing all the vital information about an art object or collection.

7. Private viewing rooms (PVRs)

They give users the ability to grant a third party or friend temporary access to view a specific group of objects and selected details about them.

8. Location management.

It allows you to track the exact floor, room, or even shelf where your object is located by keeping tabs on them.


Starting from scratch we managed to build a modern innovative collection management software in a fairly conservative industry. It allowed our client to attract users, attention and investors over the first years and eventually have an exit with Christie's. Team continued working on the fine art collection management integrating it into Christie's enterprise ecosystem. We improved and introduced new functionality for general use and Chrisitie's specifically, and developed multiple partner programs and features for collectors and art-professionals.

Collectrium result

Personal art collection management software that we developed is used by more than 25,000 art collectors with approximately 500,000 objects in their collections.


Online Art Marketplace for Collectors

react native

Dashboard for the Employee Engagement Platform

Human Resources

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3-months - MVP time-to-market
Power of iterations - we prefer to work in 2-week sprints
Risk-free start - if you aren’t satisfied with the first 2 weeks of work, your fee will be $0
Complete teams & on-demand developers - both options are available
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